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Intimate Care: Tips & Insights

Maintaining good hygiene is fundamental to women's intimate zone. However, the wrong intimate care can quickly lead to changes in the vaginal pH, which in turn can cause uncomfortable symptoms such as itching and burning, making the genital tract more susceptible to bacterial and fungal infections.

Thus, how do we keep our intimate zone clean without excessive care?

External genital area

When referring to intimate care, it is important to remember that less is often more. According to experts, washing the external genital area once a day with lukewarm water is enough to protect the vaginal pH. Vaginal rinsing, especially with disinfectant products, destroys the natural bacterial environment of the healthy vagina and thus promotes infections.

If you don't want to limit yourself to just water when it comes to hygiene in the intimate area, especially after menstruation, sports, sexual intercourse or heavy sweating, opt for a mild, fragrance-free washing lotion or soap-free washing product specifically designed for the acidic pH of the intimate area. However, it's important to use such products in moderation and only on the external genital area. Remember, never use soap or other washing substances on the vulva.


After using the toilet, always remember to wipe from front to back. This prevents the transfer of intestinal bacteria into the vagina. For added precaution, consider washing the anal area with lukewarm water after defecation.

If you have access to a bidet, ensure that the cloth used is fresh and washed after each use. Washing it at a temperature of at least 60 degrees Celsius is recommended to effectively eliminate bacteria that may have been absorbed.

So geht Intimpflege

What about our underwear?

It is recommended to wear a fresh and breathable pair of briefs every day. The air-impermeable synthetic materials of certain briefs, on the other hand, cause a build-up of heat, which leads to increased moisture in the intimate area. This creates an ideal breeding ground for bacteria and fungi, and thus for infections. For this reason, panty liners with a plastic coating or nylon pantyhose should be avoided.

Additionally, underwear should be washed after each use at 60 degrees Celsius to avoid bacteria proliferation.

What to do in case unpleasant symptoms appear in our intimate zone?

In case allergic reactions to certain soaps, detergents, fabrics or personal care items appeared, identifying and avoiding the specific trigger is crucial for relief.

If you notice persistent or concerning symptoms such as itching, burning, unusual discharge, an unpleasant odor, or discomfort in your intimate area, it is advisable to seek medical advice. A health care professional can properly diagnose the underlying cause and provide appropriate treatment.

When the prescribed treatment is combined with DermaSilk, the results become better and faster!

What is DermaSilk?

DermaSilk is an innovative combination of 100% pure sericin-free fibroin with a permanent antimicrobic that prevents the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms. The smooth, hypoallergenic, and breathable nature of DermaSilk has been clinically proven to reduce friction, irritation, pain, and inflammation in the sensitive vulvovaginal area.1-3

1) D’Antuono A. et al., (2012). 2) D’Antuono A. et al., (2013). 3) D’Antuono A. et al., (2011)

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C. D., 28.02.2024


AllergyCare AG
Vordergasse 43
CH-8200 Schaffhausen

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